My Favorite ❤️

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Thank you, Cassie. 😊

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Ok but where do I download crop circle stencils?

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Thank you for asking the real question. If you're not finding it in your app store of choice, then I'm afraid the government has banned the app. Your best bet is either a space VPN or finding a device at a pawn shop with it already installed. For the latter, I suggest a shop frequented by retirees. Hope that helps and thanks for reading! 😃

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I think I know just the pawn shop, thanks!

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I enjoyed reading your micro fiction today. Glad you were able to post your writing again this week, Keep up the good work, Anthony!

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Thanks! Fingers crossed for three in a row!

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Was excited to see there was another post from you today! Nice job Anthony!

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Thank you so much!

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